Ko is a Toronto-based artist who is actively engaged in D.I.Y.
activities. He is one of the founding members of the now defunct Money
House, a working class home where a series of events (such as the Style
Show, the Slide Show and the Snapshot Show) occurred. His latest projects
include Instant Coffee an active organization that facilitates artist's
projects, from exhibiting visual work to publishing artist's project. He
recently completed, the Urban Disco Trailer, in conjunction with Instant
Coffee, in the Present Tense Room at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
and is currently exhibiting "waiting room" (a video anthology) at the
Physics Room in Christchurch, New Zealand. He is the sole member of Jin's
Banana House.
Instant coffee seems to be of the right stuff because it is a little tacky,
all consuming and cheap. Yet it still holds enough allure, as contemporary
products go, and it mimicks the real thing.
Ultimately, instantcoffee.org has a utopian vision. They have faith in
people's ideas and their earnest desire to communicate them. In coming
together, they want to facilitate artist production as well as participate
in it. They place all of our energies into the proliferation and
dissemination of the visual artist.
In keeping with contemporary culture instantcoffee.org sees the need to
consistently reinvent themselves. This venture aims to grow into other
areas of interest, such as new media and time-based work while also
continuing to host events at a variety of locations in order to exhibit new
work and champion the artist as producer. Currently instantcoffee.org is
made up of who ever wants to play, but our most consistent members are
Jinhan Ko, Jenifer Papararo, Kate Monro and Stephen Crowhurst.